On June 05th, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 641/QD-TTg on approval of reducing and simplifying regulations related to the business under the authority of the Ministry of Public Security. Thereby, there are some notable contents as follows:
+ For the group procedure: approval for fire prevention and fighting design (implemented at provincial and central levels) is simplified as follows:
– Deregulate the submission of the Certificates of satisfaction of conditions for the provision of fire prevention and fighting services by the fire prevention and fighting design consultancy unit.
– Deregulate the submission of the Certificate of approved fire safety design, Design approval document, and Design Documents that are already entitled to fire prevention and fighting approval.
+ For the group procedure: Approval of the facility’s fire fighting plan (implemented at district and provincial levels) is simplified as follows:
Amending, and supplementing the regulation on submission of “02 copies of the fire fighting plan of the facility signed and stamped by the person responsible for making the plan (if any)” to “01 copy of the fire fighting plan of the facility signed and stamped by the person responsible for making the plan”.
Reason: When an organization or individual submits an online application on the Public Service Portal, it only requires 01 electronic file in the application component.
The above plan is proposed to amend and supplement Article 19 of Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP with a plan for implementation in 2023.