Regulations on e-identification and e-verification for individuals, organizations

01/09/2023 Newest Editor

On September 05th, 2022, The Government issued Decree No. 59/2022/ND-CP on e-identification and e- verification for individuals, and organizations, whereby, there are some new notable following contents:

+ Implementation of e-identification and register required e-identities:

– Vietnamese agencies, organizations, citizens; foreign organizations, and individuals residing and operating in the Vietnamese territory shall register for e-identification through “VNelD” which is an application on digital devices; “”, “” are websites for identification developed by the Ministry of Public Security.

– Organizations and individuals shall register the following information:

+ Required e-identities for Vietnamese citizens include:

  1. Personal information: Full name, middle name, and first name; personal identification number; Date of birth; Gender.
  2. Biometric information: Portrait photo; Fingerprint.

+ Required e-identities for Foreigners include:

  1. Personal information: Full name, middle name, and first name; identification number of the foreigner; Date of birth; Gender; Nationality; Number, symbol, date, month, year, type of document, and passport’s issuance or other international traveling documents.
  2. Biometric information: Portrait photo; Fingerprint.

+ Required e-identities for organizations include:

  1. E-identification of the organizations.
  2. Organization’s name includes Vietnamese name, abbreviated name (if any), and foreign language name (if any).
  3. Date, month, and year of establishment.
  4. Head quarter address.
  5. Personal identification number or identification number of a foreigner; full name, middle name, and name of the legal representative or head of the organization.

+ Registering e-identification account:

– For individuals:

Install the VneID application and input the e-identities information, and also provide a portrait photo.

– For organizations:

The legal representative, the head of the organization (who already has a level 2 e-identification account) logs in to the VNelD application to register an e-identification account for the organization; provides information according to the instructions on the VNelD application, and sends a request for an e-identification account to the competent identity and electronic authentication agencies via the VnelD application.

Implementation term: 07 days at most for individuals and less than 15 days for organizations.

This Decree takes effect from October 20th, 2022